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“One Positive Thought Produces Millions of Positive Vibrations.”
— John Coltrane
Books & Experts
The Parent's 20-Minute Guide
by Center for Motivation and Change, CMC: this is a workbook based on the C.R.A.F.T model, helping parents learn about how to help their children with their substance use.
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
by Gabor Mate, MD, excellent resource that shatters our generally held beliefs about addiction.
Beyond Addiction
A groundbreaking, science-based guide to help loved ones who struggle from addiction and compulsive behaviors.
Get Your Loved One Sober
by Robert J. Meyers, PhD, Brenda L. Wolfe, PhD: this book is based on the C.R.A.F.T. model, offering evidence-based strategies to support loved ones with addiction towards sobriety.
Brainstorm, the Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain
by Daniel J. Siegel, about adolescence. An important read for both teens and parents.
Chronic Pain & Illness Workbook for Teens
by Rachel Zoffness, PhD. This book uses evidence-based strategies to help you turn the volume down on chronic pain and illness, and get back to living your life.
Walking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
A self-help book by American therapists Peter A. Levine and Ann Frederick published in 1997. It presents a somatic experiencing approach to help people who are struggling with psychological trauma.
The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the healing of Trauma
This book teaches you how to get through the difficulties that arise from your traumatic past by revealing the psychology behind them and revealing some of the techniques therapists use to help victims recover.
The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog
In this instant classic of developmental psychology, a renowned psychiatrist examines the effect that trauma can have on a child, reveals how PTSD impacts the developing mind, and outlines the path to recovery.
Smoke Screen
Smokescreen: What the Marijuana Industry Doesn't Want You to Know examines the inside story behind the headlines, containing accounts from Kevin A. Sabet’s time in the Obama administration to stunning revelations from whistleblowers speaking out for the first time.
Life is Disappointing
Matt Bellace, PhD, uses humor and personal stories, mixed with psychological research on coping skills, to help you better understand disappointment and how to use it as fuel to propel yourself forward.
Drug Dealer, MD
The disturbing connection between well-meaning physicians and the prescription drug epidemic by Anna Lembke.
When the Body Says No
This book by Gabor Maté provides the answers to critical questions about the mind-body link – and the role that stress and our emotional makeup play in an array of common diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
Invitation to Change: A Short Guide
The Invitation to Change Approach© (ITC) is a holistic helping framework based in science and kindness, designed for the families and loved ones of people struggling with substance use.
Over the Influence: The Harm Reduction Guide to Controlling Your Drug and Alcohol Use
If you've tried to quit and failed, simply want to cut down, or wish to work toward sobriety gradually, join the many thousands of readers who have turned to this empathic, science-based resource…
Gabor Mate, MD
A renowned addiction export who offers a wide spectrum of resources and information.
What Happened to You?
This book is about trauma, resilience and healing, by Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD, and Oprah Winfrey.
The Deepest Well
A pioneering physician reveals how childhood stress leads to lifelong health problems and what we can do to break the cycle.
The Biology of Desire
A renowned neuroscientist explains why the "disease model" of addiction is wrong and illuminates the path to recovery.
Undoing Drugs
The untold story of Harm Reduction and the future of Addiction, by Maia Szalavitz.
Memoirs of an Addicted Brain
A neuroscientist examines his former life on drugs, by Marc Lewis, PhD.
A Night in Jail
A story about drugs and mental illness, inspired by true events.
Do the Work - an antiracist activity book
For all the people who find themselves overwhelmed by racial injustice, outraged by the news, shocked by the ugly parts of American history, and who keep asking “What can I DOOOO?” comes the answer: Do the Work! Created by the sociopolitical comedian W. Kamau Bell and bestselling author Kate Schatz.
Movies: Raising Awareness & Offering Solutions
Medicating Normal
Medicating Normal is a documentary film exploring the conventional mental health care system's reliance on psychiatric drugs to deal with trauma, grief, and distress.
Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope
Resilience is a new documentary that delves into the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and a new movement to treat and prevent toxic stress.
Paper Tigers
In this documentary by KPJR Films, six students are followed over the course of a school year as a new trauma-sensitive program is implemented.
Movies That Portray Mental Illness, Addiction
Sometimes, depictions of mental illness in movies is inaccurate or stigmatizing. However, there are some movies that realistically show what it’s like to experience mental illness. Here’s a list of a few movies that get it right.
The First Day
Chris Herren, former professional basketball player, author and wellness advocate, has shared his story of recovery with over 1 million people nationwide. This film chronicles this journey revealing Herren’s vulnerability and his profound connections with high school students who, in turn, have shared their stories of struggle and strength.
Gateway Film
Gateway is a film about 3 families inadvertently impacted by opioid addiction that began with a prescription to manage pain after surgery. It provides an intimate look into the struggles that can be caused by legal opioid prescriptions when the dangers of these medications are not properly understood.
Dead on Arrival
Fentanyl is infiltrating our communities through counterfeit pills, cocaine and any other street drug you can name. Anonymously sold through social media and delivered within minutes. Learn about it now before it kills you or someone you love.
Addiction Unplugged
Humanizing addiction and recovery, promoting solutions and raising awareness.
The Me You Can't See
Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry join forces to guide honest discussions about mental health; featuring illuminating stories from across the globe.
A Night in Jail: Short Film
A Night In Jail is an innovative approach to raise awareness about the relationship between marijuana and mental illness.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness | PBS
Hiding in Plain Sight presents an unstinting look at both the seemingly insurmountable obstacles faced by those who live with mental disorders and the hope that many have found after that storm.
I Am Hope
I Am Hope offers a poignant portrait of the day-to-day struggles of diverse young people united in their desire to pursue big dreams.
Peace Films
These films and documentaries offer valuable insights into the importance of peace, non-violence, reconciliation, and the human capacity to overcome conflicts and strive for a more harmonious world.
Social Justice Films
There are numerous films that explore social justice themes and shed light on various social issues. The films serve as catalysts for discussions, empathy-building, and raising awareness about pressing social issues across cultures and contexts.
“The Power, Insight, Creativity and Passion of Young People can Change the World.”
— Youth Speaks