Resources for Parents
National & Local Support Groups for Peers, Families, & Youth
Marin Outreach and Prevention Team
Family support groups in English and Spanish.
Nar-Anon Family Groups
The Nar-Anon Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by someone else’s addiction.
Marin Suicide Prevention Collaborative
Parent and family support groups that advocate for patient right’s and peer support.
Partnership to End Addiction
Offering online support community meetings.
Bright Heart Health
Comprehensive tele-medicine program for the treatment of addiction to alcohol and drugs. Accepts insurance.
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is a leading self-empowering addiction recovery support group. The website provides resources for teens and youth support programs, meeting locations, and an online community.
Recovery Dharma
Using Buddhist practices and principles to heal the suffering of addiction.
NAMI Marin
Family support groups that are a safe space for individuals to share concerns about their loved ones living with a mental illness. Weekly on Wednesdays from 7 pm - 8:30 in San Rafael.
“The Invitation to Change Approach (ITC) is a holistic helping framework based on science and kindness, designed for the families and loved ones of people struggling with substance use. This workbook will introduce you to key ITC topics - like Behaviors Make Sense, Increasing Positive Behaviors, and One Size Does Not Fit All - and help you practice with special activities.”
Recognizing the Signs of Drug Abuse can save a Life.
This guide offers an abundance of guidance in recognizing and responding to signs of drug abuse.
Recovery Support, Nationally: Help for Loved Ones who Struggle with Substance Use Disorder

Recovery Support in Marin County: Help for Loved Ones who Struggle with Substance Use Disorder
Resource center for various mental health issues, including recovery from addiction, suicide prevention and support for survivors, residential programs, and more. Click Here
Online & in-person meetings. Click Here
Licensed 30-bed, co-ed residential withdrawal management and substance use treatment program that provides welcoming, recovery-oriented services to individuals with alcohol and drug addiction issues, as well as co-occurring psychiatric problems. Click Here
Outpatient Programs are clinically structured and designed to assist individuals and families to overcome addiction and mental health issues, to meet educational and vocational goals, support family reunification efforts, and sustain long-term recovery and well-being. Click Here
“The 20 Minute Parent Guide was a god-sent. I wish for every parent to have this practical guide and learn communication strategies that will improve their relationship with their child. I actually think this is a must-have for every parent, because it raises awareness and teaches healthy communication skills. It helped me to learn to listen, truly listen, and be less reactive."
— Marion Kregeloh
Symptom Checker from Child Mind Institute
The Child Mind Institute’s Symptom Checker tool, designed to work equally well on phone, tablet or laptop, guides parents, educators or other care providers to relevant information about mental health and learning disorders by asking a series of questions about concerning behaviors. The tool analyzes the answers and produces a short list of mental health or learning disorders associated with the symptoms described.
Powerful, Evidence-Based Approaches for Families and Peers to Helping Loved Ones with Addiction and Substance Use
CMC: Foundation for Change
A non-profit dedicated to changing the conversation around substance use from one of shame and suffering to one of hope and positive action. Click Here
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)
A theraputic system for helping friends and family members change the way they interact with someone they love who is drinking or using drugs too much. Click Here
CRAFT for Families
CRAFT works to affect the loved one’s behavior by changing the way the family interacts with him or her. Click Here
Allies in Recovery
A worldwide web platform, using the CRAFT method, e-learning and providing resources. Click Here
Safe Project
Free, user-friendly tool for families and caregivers that quickly finds treatment services and support for their loved ones. Click Here
Other Programs & Resources for Families & Peers

Local Organizations that Educate and Support Families & Peers of Loved Ones
A fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. Click Here
Substance use services. Click Here
Family support groups in English and Spanish. Click Here
Parent and family support groups that advocate for patient’s right’s and provide peer support. Click Here
A report about the state of health and wellness in public Marin County high schools and middle schools. Click Here
Collaboration of community coalitions, organizations and individuals, actively seeking to change norms, policies and laws that affect the availability, promotion, sale and use of alcohol and other drugs. Click Here
This is an excellent resource for parents and caregivers, centered around the idea that with a lot of solid science and heart, we can support our youth as they navigate the tough stuff. Click Here
A welcoming and teen friendly health program for youth ages 12-24 including reproductive health services, mental health, substance abuse counseling/treatment and health information services. Click Here
NAMI Marin Family Support Groups are peer-led support groups for family members, non-professional caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. Click Here
Marin County’s only non-profit community agency devoted to serving, supporting and empowering the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community and everyone in the county living with and affected by HIV. Click Here
Local organizations that provide information and support for youth health and issues. Click Here
Parent & Peer Trainings: National & Local
Invitation to Change (ITC)
The ITC approach connects the participants with evidence-based, self-care, and behavioral strategies.
Fast-paced and engaging video-based course that teaches parents the skills they need to meet the challenges of substance abuse.
NAMI Marin
Family to Family 8-week course for family members, partners, and friends with a loved one with mental illness. Call (415) 444-0480 for more info or email info@namimarin.org to sign up.
National NAMI
Family to Family 8 week course offered on a national level.
Dan Siegel Parent Training
Cutting edge science made accessible for parents and practitioners or anyone interested in personal growth.
Neufeld Institute
These courses feature online support, discussion forums, study guides, resources, and more. Comprehensive evidence-based model for the unfolding of human potential.

Help with Loneliness
Better Help
Better Help is a counseling service providing a slew of virtual options for individuals, couples, and teens.
National Alliance on Mental Health
A free, nationwide peer support service for anyone living with or who knows someone with a mental health condition.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
A free, confidential site for victims of abuse and individuals who can support others.
Loss After Addiction
Grief Recovery after a Substance Passing
A community of support & healing.
Grief Loss Recovery
Hope and health through creative grieving.
Hope After Loss
A worldwide online fellowship under the Nar-Anon Family Groups.